Local Currency Bonds I EUR Acc

Emerging Markets

-0.61 %

Per 12/03/25 16:30



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Running approx.

0.62 %


The Structural Investment Case for EM Local Currency Bonds

  • Emerging market and Frontier countries generally belongs to the low or middle income parts of the World when measured on GDP per capita.

  • Because these countries typically have growing populations and lower capital bases compared to high income countries they tend to grow structurally higher causing their income to converge towards that of more developed countries.

  • The current low-yield environment in the developed world amplifies this structural effect. It creates a need for investor diversification that will support long-term demand for emerging debt assets.

  • Except for some notable exceptions, emerging market countries are generally fundamentally in good shape with falling levels of inflation, higher credit ratings and improved institutions such as independent central banks.

  • In the recent decade, the number of countries with sufficiently developed market structures to open up local currency based debt issues have increased. This gives rise to a new breed of local institutional investors that increase liquidity and offer states an opportunity to fund their budgets without the FX risk associated with USD or EUR denominated debt.

  • However, fragile institutions and unsustainable conduct of government can still cause risks to investors and it is therefore Sydinvest considers a significant amount of data on Environmental (E), Social (S) and governance (G) factors (ESG) when constructing the portfolios.

  • The emerging debt asset class has more than 18 trillion USD in market cap, but it still only count for approximately 20% of the world’s total GDP thus far below levels found in the developed markets. At the same time, roughly 70% or more of the World’s populations live in the 80 most common emerging market countries. Since only the countries with sufficient institutional strength can issue local currency debt, the case for market expansion and long-term investment opportunities are indeed vast and well founded.   

The Sydinvest EM funds and their advisor, the Sydbank EM Debt Team, can be explored in further detail on the eVestment database, a Nasdaq company, that provides a leading cloud-based data platform for institutional investors and their advisors.

On eVestment, Sydbank EM Debt present its leading emerging market strategies and investment capabilities together with other leading investment managers  thus allowing our clients a comprehensive global database to monitor our performance and stay informed.

The Profile for Sydinvest EM Local Currency Bonds

  • The fund invest in local currency sovereign bonds issued from emerging market and frontier countries. The objective is to provide investors with excess returns to the benchmark through active portfolio management.
  • The fund’s investment philosophy considers that a number of risk premiums emerge from the fundamental and structural case of emerging market convergence.
  • Most prominently, the lower level of human development and income cause institutional and market risks that increase the country risk premium. This premium can typically be expressed through inflation risk, trade and current account balance risk as well as government budget funding risk. A thorough evaluation of the growth and debt payment dynamics as well as the sustainability of government  is conducted to reveal such opportunities.
  • Secondly, the lower market cap of emerging debt issues creates liquidity premiums that can be revealed through a systematic relative value analysis across the investor base, the issuer characteristics and the issuer quality.
  • The ongoing dynamics of these risk premiums cause market prices to deviate from their long term fair values. It implies that each emerging market country carries a unique story and that active management is the only way for investors to unlock the value of these opportunities.
  • Sydinvest offers investors its decade-long experience of investing into hard and local currency emerging markets with an investment process built a small yet highly efficient and agile team.

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Returns (according to costs)


Per 12/03/25 16:30

Today's Return -0.01 %

Return Feb: +0.70 %

Return YtD -0.61 %

NAV per. 12/03/25 16:30

Today's Return -0.01 %
Return year to date, % -0.61 %
Sell 1927,00
Buy 1939,00
NAV ultimo 1933.05
Total Assets (m) 1 EUR

Returns - Last Update 01/03/25

Return year to date, % 2.66 %
1 Year 5.41 %
3 Years 14.08 %
5 Years 4.97 %
7 Years 12.60 %
10 Years 15.58 %

NAV development

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Latest trends

Local Currency Bonds I EUR Acc Return February Return YtD
Latest trend 0.70 % 2.66 %
Return benchmark 0.61 % 2.28 %

Fund Holdings

Fund Holdings

Top 10 Holdings Coupon Country Base currency Proportion
Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie 01.01.20319.76BrazilBRL5.86 %
Republic of Poland Government Bond 25.10.20336.00PolandPLN4.67 %
Malaysia Government Bond 05.07.20343.83MalaysiaMYR4.55 %
European Bank for Reconstruction & Deve 14.03.20316.75SupraNationalINR3.79 %
Thailand Government Bond 20.06.20313.65ThailandTHB3.50 %
Indonesia 15.03.20348.38IndonesiaIDR3.41 %
South Africa Government Bond 31.01.20409.00South AfricaZAR3.37 %
Republic of Poland Government Bond 25.01.20305.00MultiplePLN3.33 %
International Bank for Reconstruction & 17.04.20306.50SupraNationalINR3.28 %
Indonesia 15.05.20368.25IndonesiaIDR3.13 %
Fund Holdings: 56
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Distribution by country

Distribution by country

Country Proportion Change (%-Points)
SupraNational 11.70 % -1.16 %
Malaysia 9.62 % -0.28 %
Indonesia 8.37 % -0.34 %
South Africa 8.26 % -0.94 %
Thailand 7.46 % -0.18 %
Mexico 7.23 % -0.64 %
Brazil 5.86 % -2.73 %
Turkey 5.21 % 0.50 %
Poland 4.67 % -1.13 %
Other 31.62 % -0.16 %

Distribution by region

Region Proportion
Asia 37.39 %
Latin America 31.01 %
Eastern Europe 18.76 %
Africa 10.52 %
Caribbean 0.52 %
Other 1.80 %

Distrubution by currency

Base currency Proportion
INR 12.24 %
Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 9.49 %
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) 9.40 %
Mexican peso (MXN) 9.12 %
South African rand (ZAR) 8.29 %
Brazilian real (BRL) 8.08 %
Polish zloty (PLN) 8.01 %
THB 7.35 %
Turkish lira (TRL) 5.61 %
CZK 4.44 %
Other 17.99 %

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Lower risk

Higher risk

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Potentially lower rewards

Potentially higher rewards

Risk Scale

The risk indicator indicates the fund's risk level compared to other products. The classification may change and is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the future risk profile.


Distribution by issuer

Distribution by issuer Proportion
Mortgage bonds 0.00 %
Government bonds 95.96 %
QUASI-soverreign 0.81 %
Company 1.55 %
Cash 1.68 %

Rating Distribution

Rating Distribution Proportion
B+ eller lavere 98.32 %
Average rating BBB

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Fees and Expenses

Fees and Expenses

Fees and Expenses Running approx. Indirect Trade Cost Subscription Redemption
Local Currency Bonds I EUR Acc 0.62 % 0.29 % 0.31 % 0.31 %


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Key Information

Key Information per. 28/2-25

ISIN DK0060646636
Danish VP Code 6064663
Inception of Share Class 21.09.2015
Benchmark GBI-EM GLO Diversified unhedged/EUR
Listed No
Accumulated No
AGM (annual general meeting) 27.03.2025
Rec. investment horizon Min. 4 years
Portfolio Manager Sydbank EM Debt Team
Base currency EUR
Expected annual costs 0.62 %
Indirect Trade Cost 0.29 %
Share Class Assets (m) 1 EUR
Total Assets (m) 324 EUR
Denomination 1000
Tax rate 2023 1944.85 EUR
NAV ultimo February 2025 1996.56
Tax Rate -
Fund Holdings 56
Income type Capital income
Taxation Stock taxation
Dividend (2024) -
Year to Date 2.66 %
Deviation + (1 year) 28/2-25 5.51
Deviation + (3 years) 28/2-25 5.66
Sharpe Ratio (3 Years) 28/2-25 0.34
Yield to Maturity 8.17 %
Average Duration 5,53